Goalist - Privacy Policy

Data collected & sent

If you are registered as a Voter the app must collect and send for processing to the voting server:
If Settings > Privacy > Allow analytics is enabled some data about your actions is sent to Google Analytics, eg:
That way we can learn that, for instance:
No personal data is sent to Analytics, like task names, notes or even single words from them - only the fact that a task was created, button was clicked, etc.

We do not share the data collected with any person or app.

Microphone and camera sensor data, and sensitive device data

No microphone or camera sensor data nor sensitive device data is collected or processed. What you record stays in your phone's internal memory / SD card. The app records only task/log names when you tap the "Record" button, nothing else.

Other data

The app doesn't access or handle any phonebook information.

The app doesn't contain any anti-virus or security functionality, such as anti-virus, anti-malware, or security-related features.